Arrsets in august 2021


24 August

20 years later the police detained “Imam Mehdi”

Aqil Babayev

Police detained Aqil Babayev who for more than 20 years by fraud appropriated citizens’ money claiming to be the messiah – Imam Mehdi.

Note that he was detained as a result of operational and investigative measures taken by officers of the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime under the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the complaint of citizens, the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

It should be emphasized that his victims were at least 50 gullible citizens who for many years paid tens of thousands of manats to “Imam” in order to “atone” for their sins and ensure a prosperous afterlife.

The “Imam” assured his victims that he spent the collected money to help the poor. Babayev also did not shun the appropriation of money given to support the families of martyrs.

At the same time, all these years Babayev led a luxurious life, purchased several expensive apartments and cars. Also, an additional investigation revealed that he humiliated and committed violence against persons under his command.

A criminal case has been initiated against Babayev under Article 178.3.2 (Fraud, causing major damage) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan Republic. By court decision, he was arrested.