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The Baku Grave Crimes Court has pronounced the verdict for Leyla and Arif Yunusov

The Baku Grave Crimes Court has pronounced the verdict for Leyla and Arif Yunusov

The analysis of the law violations during Leyla and Arif Yunusov’s judicial proceedings

The Baku  Grave Crimes Court

Criminal case no.1(101)-819/2015
August 13, 2015
Chairman: Afgan Hajiyev
Judges: Rasim SadikhovFikrat Garibov

Prosecutor: Farid Naghiyev
Accused: Leyla Yunus, Arif Yunus
Defenders: Ramiz Mammadov, Elchin Gambarov, Afgan Mammadov, Elchin Sadighov
Victim’s representative: Shohrat Allahmanov
 On April 19, 2014, a journalist Rauf Mirgardirov was deported from Turkey. He was involved in the criminal case as a suspect. On April 21, 2014 he was charged with committing a crime under Article 274 (Treason against the state) of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On April 28, 2014, approximately at 11 p.m., Leyla and Arif Yunusov were detained at the Heydar Aliyev International Airport. Around at 6 a.m. they were brought to the Grave Crimes Department of the General Prosecutor’s Office and interrogated as witnesses in Rauf Mirgardirov’s case.

On July 30, 2014, Leyla Yunusova was charged with committing crimes under Article 274 (Treason against the state), and on June 22, 2015, she was charged again with crimes under Articles 178.3.2. (Fraud in a particularly large amount), 192.2.2.(Illegal business with the extraction of income in a large amount), 213.2.2.(Evasion from paying taxes in a large amount), 320.1.(Forgery, illegal manufacture or sale of official documents, state awards, seals, stamps, and forms or use of forged documents), 320.2.(Use of forged documents). On the same day, by order of the Nasimi District Court, a measure of restraint in the form of detention was imposed against L.Yunusova. On October 24, 2014 and on February 18, 2015, her detention was extended until July 28, 2015.
On July 30, 2014, Arif Yunusov was brought on trial as a defendant under Articles 274 and 178.3.2. of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. With respect to him, a measure of restraint in the form of transfer to the supervision of the police was chosen. On August 5, 2014, this measure of restraint was changed to imprisonment. By the decisions of the Nasimi District Court of October 29, 2014 and February 23, 2015, the term of detention was extended until August 5, 2015. On June 22, 2015 A.Yunusov was charged under Article 178.3.2. of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
The trial of the married couple Yunusov began on July 15, 2015. The couple was placed in a glass aquarium. Opposite the aquarium was a table, behind which sat lawyers, the prosecutor and the representative of the organization Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia, recognized by the investigative body as the injured party. At the preparatory meeting, the lawyers appealed to the court with petitions for the termination of the criminal case, changing the measures of restraint in view of the state of health of both accused. They also asked the court to allow the accused to move from the glass aquarium to the table where lawyers were located for effective consultations. The prosecutor, expressing his opinion, said that these applications are unreasonable and should be rejected by the court. He also pointed out that lawyers have the opportunity to approach the aquarium and advise their clients without any restrictions. The representative of the injured party expressed solidarity with the prosecutor and asked the court to reject the petitions. When the judges retired to the meeting, Leyla Yunusova appealed to the representatives of the press and embassies present. She reported that on September 11, 2014, December 23, 2014 and May 20, 2015, while in the Baku Investigative Isolation Ward, she was beaten by the employees of the isolation ward. As a result, her left eye became to see hard.
Returning from the advisory room, the judicial board announced the decision concerning the petitions submitted. All defence pleas were rejected.
The trial continued on July 27, 2015. The defence filed an application to remove from the case a Rena Safaraliyeva’s representative who was recognized a victim. Arif Yunusov’s lawyer appealed to the court with another petition to change the measure of restraint against his client. However, the court rejected both of these motions. Then the court proceeded to a judicial investigation, and the prosecutor read out the indictment in the criminal case. Leyla and Arif Yunusov  refused to testify.
On July 27, Rena Safaraliyeva, speaking at the trial, stated that she had not been the chairman of the Society practically for more than 10 years.
At the court session on July 28, 2015, the witnesses of the case began to be questioned. The trial was held in a semi-closed mode, as representatives of the public, politicians and activists, journalists and observers from international organizations were deprived of the opportunity to attend the court session. Those who remained outside the courtroom protested to the court staff and stated that the openness of court session was violated. At the beginning of the meeting Leyla Yunusova stated that the hall was filled with unauthorized persons (most likely by law enforcement officers) who had nothing to do with the accused. Among the interrogated was the journalist Rauf Mirgadirov, arrested in this case, who is charged with Article 274 (Treason against the state) of the Criminal Code. Adila Manafova interrogated in court as a witness, was one of the co-founders of Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia organization. She showed that Leyla Yunusova was deputy chairman of the organization and was engaged in the resolution of the Karabakh issue. The Armenian side was wary of her arguments and could not imagine anything as a counterbalance. At this point, the prosecutor intervened in the testimony of the witness and said that this had nothing to do with the case.
The next meeting was scheduled for August 3, 2015. On this day, before the beginning of the process, Arif Yunusov’s health deteriorated sharply. The pressure increased to 220/160. But, despite this, before the ambulance arrived, he, along with Leyla Yunusova, were in the glass aquarium. All those gathered around the courthouse were informed about the postponement of the meeting for another day, but the process continued soon.
The trial continued on August 4, 2015, where witnesses, journalists Anna Bartulashvili and Akbar Hasanov, chairman of the Oilmen’s Rights Protection Committee Mirvari Gahramanli, were questioned, and the testimony of the chairman of the Women’s Crisis Centre, Matanat Azizova, was read out.
At the court session on August 5, 2015, the court conducted an analysis of the materials of the criminal case. Arif Yunusov’s lawyer, Afgan Mammadov, filed a petition with the court to challenge the judicial board and demanded the replacement of judges. However, the public prosecutor called this application groundless from a legal point of view and asked the court to dismiss it. Then L.Yunusova’s lawyer Ramiz Mammadov applied for the court to annul the status of the head of the organization Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia Rena Safaraliyeva as a victim. He also submitted to court the book published by L.Yunusova at the expense of the grant from the Marshall Fund, and asked to attach it to the materials of the criminal case. In addition, the lawyer asked the court to invite a representative of the fund as a witness. He stated that the means under the grant of the Marshall Fund were spent on publishing this book. The fund did not have any complaints about this. The court partially accepted this petition and attached the book to the case materials. During the trial, L.Yunusova said that she cannot participate on a daily basis due to the state of health. However, the state prosecutor stated that L.Yunusova is under constant medical control and there are no problems with her bringing to court.
During the trial, Arif Yunusov was regularly injected by a doctor from the Ministry of National Security. Under the influence of these injections, Arif Yunusov was sleeping on the dock all the time, laying his head on his wife’s knees. He did not hear anything on the court at all.
On August 6, 2015, the judicial investigation was completed. The prosecutor, speaking with the accusatory speech, supported the state accusation, asked the court to convict the defendants of all the charges, and to sentence Leyla Yunusova to 11 years, and Arif  Yunusov  to 9 years in prison.
On August 13, 2015, the Baku Grave Crimes Court found Leyla and Arif Yunus guilty of committing the accusations and sentenced L.Yunusova to 8.5, and A.Yunusov to 7 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property.

Commentary by an expert lawyer:

The sentence is illegal, unreasonable, unfair and inhumane. The Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan contains a number of principles, according to which criminal prosecution and punishment must be conducted: the principle of legality, equality before the law, responsibility for guilt, justice, and finally, the principle of humanism.
The findings of the court are recognized as not in accordance with the facts of the case, if: · The conclusions of the court of first instance reflected in the verdict or resolution are not supported by the evidences examined in the court session (Article 401.2.1 of the Code of Criminal Procedure);
·     The court of first instance did not take into account the evidences examined in the court session, which significantly influenced the correctness of its conclusions (Article 401.2.2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure);
·     Insufficient clarity of information about the identity of the convicted or acquitted, against whom compulsory measures of an educational or medical nature are applied (Article 400.2.3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure);
·     Circumstances that are essential for the consideration of the charge are not confirmed in the verdict or the decision of the court of first instance with the evidence specified in the law (Article 402.0.1., CCP).

The charge for fraud in a particularly large amount

It should be noted that all projects on grants were prepared and executed by L.Yunusova. The organization Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia did not have any rights of property and disposal for grants received. Donor organizations accepted reports, they had no claims and complaints about Leila and Arif Yunusov, as well as about the organization Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia.
The Power of Attorney for Shohrat Allahmanov, who participated in the court, was issued not by the organization Women of Azerbaijan for Peace and Democracy in Transcaucasia, but personally by Rena Safaraliyeva, who had not managed the organization for a long time. The organization was liquidated in May 2014. In the court R.Safalaliyeva stated that she had not suffered any material damage from L.Yunusova. If there is no material damage, the crime under article 178 of the Criminal Code is not formed. If a charge for fraud is filed, then a source of money must be found. In this case, the funds are the funds of donor organizations, which, moreover, do not have any complaints and claims against the accused.

Charge of illegal entrepreneurship

One of the charges against Leyla Yunusova is the charge provided for in Article 192.1. of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan. According to this article, illegal entrepreneurship is the implementation of entrepreneurial activity without state registration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan, or without special permission (license) in cases when such permission (license) is mandatory, or with violation of licensing terms or using subjects without special permission, civil circulation of which is limited, if this act caused large damage to citizens, organizations or the state, and to obtain a yield to a considerable extent.
The concept of ‘illegal entrepreneurship’ is also given in the Civil Code and Entrepreneurial Activity Act: ‘Entrepreneurial 4activity (entrepreneurship) is an independent initiative activity of individuals, their associations, as well as legal entities for profit or personal income, in the form of all types of economic activities not prohibited by law, including production, marketing of products and rendering services at their own risk and under their property responsibility or on behalf of other legal entities or individuals.’
If we summarize the content of the charges, we can come to the conclusion that, according to the accusation, Leyla Yunusova carried out projects without state registration, which is prohibited by law.
In this regard, it should be noted that, in accordance with Article 1 of the Grants Act, the grant is assistance provided in the manner prescribed by this Act for the preparation and implementation of humanitarian, social and environmental projects, rehabilitation of destroyed facilities and infrastructure of industrial and social appointment in the territories affected by the war and natural disaster, programs in the fields of education, health, culture, consulting, information, publishing and sports, scientific, research, project, and other programs important for the state and society.

Paragraph 3 of this article states that material assistance used for direct profit extraction is not recognize as a grant. Any financial and/or other material resources remaining at grantee’s disposal after the completion of the project constituting the subject of the grant, unless otherwise provided by the grant agreement (resolution), at the discretion of that person, should be spent on the implementation of projects and programs, which may be the subject of the grant.

Apparently, the state registration of grant contracts does not affect their essence and does not change it. The concept of ‘entrepreneurship, as indicated above, consists of completely different signs. The state registration of grant of contracts is only an administrative action.

The accusation of tax evasion


The analysis of the law violations at the trial versus Leyla and Arif Yunusov 

The Baku  Grave Crimes Court


According to Article 1 of the Agreement on Cooperation between the Governments of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the United States of America on Simplification of Mutual Assistance, goods, stationery, equipment, materials, machinery, specialized courses, services and other property acquired in connection with the United States assistance program, including money imported or exported to the country, are exempt from all kinds of taxes, property tax rates, customs duties, import taxes. On the legal essence, grant contract is assistance.


Violation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms


According to Article 3 of the European Convention, no one shall be subjected to torture or to inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. 60-year-old spouses, suffering from numerous chronic diseases, daily, at the hottest time of the year, were brought to court in a closed, iron car. Practically every meeting began with the deterioration of the health of the spouses, in particular Arif Yunus. Leyla Yunus noticeably lost weight, her complexion was yellow, excessive sweating due to weakness was observed. According to the basic principles of the European Penitentiary Rules, life in places of deprivation of liberty should be as close as possible to positive aspects of life in society. Paragraph 32 (2) of the Rules stipulates that the transportation of prisoners in insufficiently ventilated and illuminated vehicles, or in conditions creating unnecessary inconveniences for them or insulting their dignity. The Rules contain a separate chapter on female prisoners. According to paragraph 34 (1) of the Rules, in addition to complying with the provisions of these Rules directly relating to female prisoners, the administration must pay attention to the needs of women, in particular their physical, professional, social and psychological needs in making any decisions that affect certain aspects of their imprisonment.
The administration of penitentiary institutions ensures the health protection of all prisoners of these institutions (Paragraph 39 of the Rules). Each penitentiary institution must have at least one appropriately qualified general practitioner. In a particular case, the examination is limited to taking blood. No proper treatment of L.Yunusova is carried out. In addition, there are serious contradictions in the findings of the local doctor, examining L.Yunusova, and his German counterpart. The opinion of local doctors indicates the absence of any serious illness in L.Yunusova, while the German doctor’s conclusion mentions hepatitis C and a number of other serious diseases that cannot be effectively treated in penitentiary settings. In addition, there are no specialized doctors in the penitentiary service hospital.
According to paragraph 46 (1) of the Rules, sick prisoners requiring specialized treatment are transferred to specialized institutions or civil hospitals, if such treatment is impossible in the penitentiary institution.
In addition to the foregoing, L.Yunusova repeatedly declared physical violence against her in the course of the judicial investigation. This information was widely covered in the local and international press. However, the court did not take into account these statements and did not properly investigate these statements.
Arif Yunusov was brought to court in handcuffs, which were removed after he was placed in the glass aquarium. According to the Rules, handcuffs, straitjackets and other means of restraint of movement are not applied, except if necessary in case of prisoner escaping and if a prisoner can injure himself, others, or to prevent property damage. These cases are not applicable to Arif Yunusov  because the prisoner suffers from a severe form of hypertension and repeatedly suffered a hypertensive crisis in prison. Detention with imprisonment is a punishment in itself, and therefore, the regime for convicted prisoners should not exacerbate the suffering associated with imprisonment (paragraph 102 (2) of the Rules).
Article 5 (1) of the European Convention was also violated in respect of the Yunus spouses. According to this article (paragraph (c)), everyone has the right to freedom and personal inviolability. No one can be deprived of liberty except in the following cases and in the manner prescribed by law: (c) the lawful detention or taking into custody of a person, to make him/her appear before the competent authority on reasonable suspicion of committing an offense or in the event that there are sufficient grounds to believe that it is necessary to prevent the commission of an offense or to prevent him/her from escaping after the commission of an offense. In accordance with the precedents of the European Court of Human Rights, the right to liberty and inviolability of person is one of the fundamental rights provided for in the Convention. With regard to the Yunusovs’ spouses, a decision was adopted to select a measure of restraint in the form of detention, the term of which was repeatedly extended. In addition, at first, a measure of restraint was chosen with respect to ArifYunusov that was not related to arrest, namely, transfer to police supervision. Subsequently this measure of restraint was changed to arrest. The decisions contained general, abstract concepts used in the criminal procedure legislation. According to the judgment of the European Court in the Smirnov v. Russia case of July 24, 2003, a person charged with an offense must always be released pending trial, except in cases where a state can produce ‘relevant and sufficient’ grounds to justify prolonged detention (paragraph 58). In this case, the decisions on the selection of the measure of restraint and the time of its extension were of a general nature. Courts did not approach this issue individually, did not take into account the person, age, professional activity and health of the accused.
In addition to the above-mentioned norms of the Convention, there is obviously a violation of Article 6(1) (The principle of publicity). Article 6(1) reads: ‘Everyone is entitled to a fair and public hearing in the determination of civil rights and obligations or of any criminal charge against him/her within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial tribunal established by law. The judgment is announced publicly, however, the press and the public may not be admitted to court sessions throughout the whole process or part thereof for reasons of morality, public order or national security in a democratic society, and when the interests of minors so require or to protect the privacy of the parties, or, in so far as it is strictly necessary in the opinion of the court, under special circumstances, when publicity would violate the interests of justice.’In this case, the principle of publicity was violated especially vividly. Representatives of the public and the media (Azadlig Radio, BBC, Voice of America, Azadlig newspapers, etc.) were not allowed into the meeting hall. The hall was filled with strangers who entered through another door. The doors of the reception room, through which the entrance to the meeting hall was located, were locked up, which caused indignation and discontent of those wishing to attend the trial. In addition, the court supervisors behaved extremely disrespectfully and rudely against visitors and used physical force more than once.
The European Court repeatedly stated in its decisions that ‘the purpose of publicity of the trial is to protect the parties involved in the case from the secret administration of justice. This is one of the ways to ensure trust in the courts of the lower and higher levels. At a minimum, in some cases, a refusal of a public hearing is permissible, provided that the refusal proceeds from the interested person according to his/her own free will, without exerting pressure on him/her, and in an unambiguous form. The requirement that a judgment be pronounced publicly is not conditioned by any implied limitations and acts even in the case of a closed nature of the hearing itself.’ Despite the norms of domestic and international law, which also enshrined the principle of publicity, the trial of the couple Yunus and the announcement of the verdict was held in a semi-closed regime.
It follows from the foregoing that the investigation in the criminal case was conducted one-sidedly, superficially and biased, and the court of first instance rendered the verdict, having taken into account only the arguments of the prosecution, the arguments and reasons of the defense were not investigated

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30 January

The Turkish newspaper Sabah published on January 30, 2019 that the owner of the Baku Zaman newspaper printing-house, allegedly called a “representative” of the famous preacher Fethullah Gulen in Azerbaijan, was detained and extradited to Turkey. Just the detainee’s first name, Ibrahim E., was mentioned in the article, his surname was not printed. According to the newspaper, Ibrahim E. was considered to be one of the prominent Gulenists in Azerbaijan, and “the Gulen’s supporter’s newspaper” was printed in the House under his management.

The Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MIT) informed the Azerbaijani side of Ibrahim’s whereabouts. As a result of joint activities carried out by MIT and special services of Azerbaijan, Ibrahim E. was detained. The other day he, accompanied by two  Azerbaijani police officers, was taken to Istanbul. Then, he was transferred to Ankara to open a criminal case against him.

It is worth to remind that the Gulen supporters have been previously arrested in Azerbaijan and transferred to Turkey. In 2017, three people were arrested and transferred into custody of Turkish security services, and in 2018, three more teachers were accused of collaborating and abetting terrorism, and also of liaising with the disgraced preacher Gulen. Their fate is still unknown.

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06 February

Bakhtiyar Bagirov

According to website, at about 8:30 p.m. Bakhtiyar Bagirov, a member of the Muslim Unity Movement (MUM), drank tea with his friends in a teahouse near  “Sahibazzaman” mosque in Bakikhanov settlement on the outskirts of Baku. At that time, he received a call from an unknown man who told him that he had just met with Bakhtiyar’s friend, a convicted believer, Ahsan Nuruzade, in Colony 6 and wanted to convey important news from the latter. The person who called also added that he would be waiting for Bakhtiyar near the mosque next to the Araz supermarket. Bakhtiyar Bagirov along with his friend went to the specified place. But there they were surrounded by several people in civilian clothes, who forcibly dragged Bakhtiyar Bagirov into the car, then beat up his friend and kicked him out. Immediately after that, Bagirov’s friends called the police. Bakhtiyar’s friend who had been beaten up by unknown people, told to the police officers that he had recognized one of the attackers; he mentioned one of the employees of the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime in Baku.

That incident took place literally the day after Bakhtiyar Bagirov distributed a video on a social network disapproving the use of torture against Tale Bagirzade and Abbas Huseynov.

11 February

The law enforcement agencies did not inform either Bakhtiyar Bagirov’s family or the public about his detention for the next five days following the incident. Just on the 11th of February it was announced that he had been arrested for the period of 20 days and was held in the Binagadi District court in Baku. However, they did not indicate the reason of his arrest and the exact court name.

13 February

Tural Allahverdiyev

According to the agency Turan and the Caucasus Knot website a religious activist Tural Allahverdiyev, known on Facebook as “Tural Divana”, was detained in front of his house by unknown people in civil clothes and driven to unknown location. His neighbours have observed Tural’s detention. There was no information about him for 24 hours. Just in the evening of February 14 his family was informed by the police officers that T. Allahverdiyev had been arrested for 20 days under Article 535.1 of the Code of Administrative Offences (disobedience to the police representative’s legitimate demands) by decision of the Baku Binagadi Court.

Allahverdiyev is known for his calls to collect donations on social networks in order to help the political prisoners’ families and purchase school supplies for their children. He also objected the torture that had been used against the leader of the MUM Tale Bagirzade and religious activists, Abbas Huseynov and Jabbar Jabbarov in Gobustan prison. 

22 February

The hearing to consider a complaint of one of the MUM activists, Bakhtiyar Baghirov was held in the Baku Court of Appeal. According to the Turan agency, it became known that the police officially registered the day of his arrest on the 11th of February whereas he was detained on the 6th of February. The same day, The Baku City Narimanov District Court sentenced Bakhtiyar Bagirov to 15 days(not to 20 days as previously said to his relatives) of administrative arrest on charges of disorderly conduct; in court the police representatives declared that a believer was walking down the street and cursed.
As B. Bagirov stated he was kidnapped in front of his friend Fikrat Mammadov who reported the incident to the 102 service of the Interior Ministry and the ombudsman office. However, the law enforcement officials did not release any information pertaining  to  the  fate or whereabouts of B. Bagirov  to his family and lawyer.
During the trial the accuser’s lawyer Javad Javadov requested for interrogation of the arrested F. Mammadov’s friend, and also for viewing video recordings from the cameras installed on the supermarket “Araz” building as well as on other located facilities nearby. However, the court refused to grant lawyer’s requests.
There was also a question concerning the 6-day-period while the arrested believer was held at the General Department for Combating Organized Crime in Baku. According to B. Bagirov’s statement, he was constantly beaten up by 5-6 people. The reason of his torture was distribution a publication on social networks of a video derogating use of torture against the believers Tale Bagirzade and Abbas Huseynov.
But Judge Hasan Akhmadov dismissed Bakhtiyar Bagirov’s complaint

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Theologian Ruhullah Novruzzade

13 March

According to the site, an Azerbaijani citizen a second-year University student-theologian Ruhulla Novruzzade was detained at Baku airport early morning when he was returning from Iran where he studied at the Faculty of Law of Qom University (Iran). He came to Baku to visit his seriously ill hospitalized father. The police officers stated that the theologian is forbidden to enter the country at the behest of the General Prosecutor’s Office of Azerbaijan until 12 p.m. and he should be either deported back to Iran or detained and stayed in Baku.

It must be noted that the detained theologian is a son-in-law of the imprisoned theologian Hajji Abgul Suleymanov.

Late at night, the theologian sent a letter to the editorial office of, in which he precisely described what had happened to him at Baku airport. According to him, he was held in a special room at the airport without any explanation for a long time. It was not until around 6 p.m. he was informed by airport officials that his entry to the country was banned and he should return to Iran. Nevertheless, no protocol had been drawn up on the fact of deportation, no documents had been shown, and no one discussed with him an issue. He was just told to be ready to leave the country and at 23:30, he was sent on a board back to Tehran.

22 March

Anar Jabbarov

The Muslim Unity Movement has published a message on its Facebook page, which concerned the detention of the Movement activist Anar Jabbarov who has been living in Turkey. It became known, that he was detained by the Turkish police in Istanbul on 16 March due to “problems with his documents”. After being illegally detained at the police station he was suddenly transferred to the Binkilic Goз police department on the outskirts of Istanbul on the evening of 18 March. There, he was told that some clarifications were conducting and he would be released soon. At the same time, the detainee’s lawyer could not get any access to information concerning his client.

On 21 March, Anar Jabbarov was taken to the Consulate General of Azerbaijan in Istanbul, Turkey, where he had a short discussion between the staff of the diplomatic mission and some Turkish officials, afterwards he was taken back to the police department.

On 22 March, a lawyer who was assigned to meet with Jabbarov discovered that the Turkish authorities had sent his client again to the Consulate General of Azerbaijan and handed him over to the Azerbaijani diplomatic mission. The very same day Azerbaijani intelligence officers arrived from Baku to deport Jabbarov back to Baku where he was taken into custody under supervision of the General Directorate for Combating Organized Crime.

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Anar Jabbarov

01 April

According to Veten ugrunda agency, relatives of the deported Anar Jabbarov from Turkey on 22 March could not find out about his whereabouts for some time. Only on 01 April, they received a call from the ombudsman office in order to be informed that Anar Jabbarov had been transferred to detention facility No. 1 in Kyurdakhani village. His relatives were also pointed out that the believer allegedly had taken part in the events in the village of Nardaran in November 2015, then fled to Turkey and therefore his name was declared wanted by the police.

04 April

It had been discovered that year again, the incriminated article and Anar Jabbarov’s status deported from Turkey to Azerbaijan had been changed. He was detained in Turkey “due to problems with his documents”, in Azerbaijan he was told that he had taken part in the events of November 2015, which is, according to the official authorities statement he had participated in “riots, terrorist acts and destabilization of the socio-political situation in the republic”. However, a few days later it turned out that after 14 days of detention (!) in Baku, the authorities found some drugs during the search of the detained and deported from Turkey Anar Jabbarov, and now he is charged with violation of Article 234.4.3 (illegal acquisition or storage for the purpose of selling drugs on a large scale) of the Criminal Code of Azerbaijan! In the meantime, neither relatives nor lawyer Bahruz Bayramov managed to meet or talk over the phone with the arrested Anar Jabbarov. 

05 April

On the evening of 04 April, there was another change in the fate of believer Anar Jabbarov. He was transferred from pre-trial detention facility No. 1 in Kyurdakhani village to the Main Department for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In the afternoon of 05 April, his relatives and lawyer were informed that all charges had been dropped and Anar had been released from custody.

27 April

According to the Turan agency reports, on 26 April, the local law enforcement agencies detained another Azerbaijani believer Elnur Mehdiyev in Turkey. That information was provided by his relatives. The reasons for his detention are unknown but it is assumed that he was also detained in connection with the events in the village of Nardaran in November 2015, when the police had been conducting a special operation against activists of the Muslim Unity Movement in this Baku suburb.

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02 May

On 27 April 2019, a member of the Muslim Unity Movement (MUM), Elnur Mehdiyev, was arrested in Turkey. As his relatives informed Meydan TV, he was brought from the police department to the Migration Service for further deportation to Azerbaijan on 01 May. In this regard, Mehdiyev’s lawyer asked the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan not to deport his client. Turkish human rights activists also insisted on not having him deported to Azerbaijan.

Mehdiyev’s relatives also say that his stay in Turkey was legal and that he had not been involved in any illegal activity there. Therefore, they believe that Mehdiyev’s detention is based on instruction sent by the Azerbaijani government. It is believed that he was wanted in connection with the events in Nardaran in November 2015, when two security forces and five local residents had been killed in a special operation in Nardaran.

24 May

Elchin Gasymov

At around 5 p.m., on Friday, the deputy chairman of the MUM, Elchin Gasymov, was detained at his home and transported to the Sabunchi District Police Department. He managed to write about it on his Facebook page. He also added that his father had received phone calls in the last two days asking him to demand his son to come to the police. “Since the reasons for the calls were not provided, I hadn’t gone. Have they come to detain me? And we are going to the Sabunchi district police. Let’s see what they say,” he wrote on his Facebook page.

He was told by the police that he, as a believer, had been active on a social network and demanded to stop that activity. The police were also interested in getting his family members’ phone numbers.  However, half an hour later, the police suddenly released Elchin Gasymov with a warning.

We would like to remind that Elchin Gasymov has been convicted in connection with the Nardaran events of 2015. He was pardoned in March this year.

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11 October

Bahram Gulaliyev

Pakistani authorities extradited Bahram Gulaliyev, a citizen of the country, accused of participating in illegal armed groups, read the message of the State Security Service (SSS) of Azerbaijan on October 11.

It was established that a citizen of Azerbaijan, Bahram Gulaliyev, born in 1971, nicknamed “Abu Ibrahim Dagystani” was a member of international terrorist organizations, being an expert in explosive devices. He illegally moved to Afghanistan, where he joined illegal armed groups. He was detained in Pakistan and extradited to Azerbaijan in October 2019, the report said.

According to the SSS, Bahram Gulaliyev provided international terrorist organizations with explosive devices, trained in the manufacture of explosive devices, and attracted Azerbaijani citizens to participate in armed conflicts.

During the investigations, Azerbaijani citizen Telman Suleymanov, born in 1988, who participated in terrorist exercises and armed conflicts in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Syria, as well as Azerbaijani citizen Elchin Tofiq oglu Gasymov, born in 1986, who participated in the battles in Syria, the statement says.

It was established that another citizen of the country – Rasi Abbasov, born in 1982, who left Azerbaijan in 2014, moved to Turkey and from there Syria and joined a terrorist organization.

Bahram Gulaliyev, Telman Suleymanov, Elchin Gasymov and Rasi Abbasov were prosecuted, the court chose a preventive measure in respect of them – arrest, the report said.


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13 November


According to the Turkish newspaper Hurriyet, a number of foreign ISIS fighters who will be deported from Turkey is 959 and 29 of them are Azerbaijani citizens.

The list of Islamic militants published by the Turkish authorities also includes 99 citizens of Russia, 17 – Germany, 21 – Tajikistan, 23 – Kyrgyzstan, 10 – Kazakhstan, as well as citizens of other countries.

147 of them are teenagers. It was noted that teenagers lost their parents in the fights ongoing in Syria.

Turkey has already begun the deportation of ISIS members arrested during the fighting in Syria and Iraq to the countries of Europe whose citizens they are.

Foreign ISIS fighters are considered to be sent to their countries until end of November.

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Aliyev Rafael Eyyub oglu


Aliyev Rafael Eyyub oglu

Judge , Shirvan  Appeal  Court

On March 3, 2021 did not satisfy the appeal of E. Gasanzade and I. Salamov, sentenced them to 8 months in prison.

About Judge

Aliyev Rafael Eyyub oglu

Born – 1969


1995 – Baku State University, Faculty of Law


1997 – 2008 – Lead specialist, senior specialist, Barda regional department for state registration of legal entities of the Ministry of Justice

2008 – Lead advisor, Barda district registration department, Ministry of Justice

2008 – 2013 – Judge, Astara District Court

2013 –  2020 – Judge, Sheki Court of Appeal

2020 – till today – Judge, Shirvan Appeal Court


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