Theologian Elshad Miri with his banned book «There is no in Islam»

14 March

The Board of Muslim of Caucasus (BMC) circulated the text in connection with the theologian Elshad Miri’s statement that appeared in mass media on 13 March, in which it was written that the BMC management didn’t not give a permission to print the book “There is no in Islam”. In response, BMC called these accusations groundless and pointed out, “Elshad Miri citing unidentified representatives of the State Committee on Work with Religious Organizations, accused BMC of not giving him permission to print the book – from his interview published on the website www.bizimyol.info. We ask E. Miri to reveal the specific names of the people he referred to in connection with the accusations against BMC. If the names are not announced, then groundless Miri’s accusations will be clearly regarded as attempt to cast a shadow on the relations between the state and religion, create disagreements between BMC and the State Committee, and undermine relations between religious movements,” as specified in the statement of BMC.