Lemberanski Ibrahim
Colonel Ibrahim Lemberanski – investigator of the Department for Investigation of Grave Crimes of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan conducted the investigation on accusations of Leyla Yunusova and Arif Yunusov in “espionage in favor of Armenia, state betray” (Article 274, the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic).
In the picture (I. Lemberanski in the centre), taken on April 29, 2014 early in the morning in the yard of Yunusovs’ apartment building (in Baku city, at N.Narimanov ave. 125), colonel Ibrahim Lemberanski is leading the operation on carrying out unlawful and unapproved search in Yunusovs’ apartment.
For more information please see:
«40 полицейских против 58 летней правозащитницы»
“40 policemen against 58 years old human rights defender”
«Лейлу Юнус задержали в аэропорту»
“Leyla Yunus is detained at the airport”
On July 30, 2014 investigator Ibrahim Lemberanski accused Leyla Yunusova in committing of crime under Article 274 (state betray) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. She was arrested and imprisoned at Pretrial Detention Facility #1 under the Ministry of Justice. On June 22, 2015 the charge of treason was singled out to separate case.
Investigator I. Lemberanski falsified charges against Leyla Yunusova, accusing her in execution of crimes under following articles 178.3.2(fraud in a particularly large amount), 192.2.2(illegal business with the extraction of income in a large amount), 213.2.2(evasion from paying taxes in a large amount), 320.1(forgery, illegal manufacture or sale of official documents, state awards, seals, stamps, and forms or use of forged documents), 320.2(use of forged documents) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic and forwarded it to the court.
On July 30, 2014 investigator Ibrahim Lemberanski accused Arif Yunusov in committing of crime under Article 274 (state betray) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic. On June 22, 2015 the charge of treason was singled out to separate case. Investigator I. Lemberanski falsified charges against Arif Yunusov, accusing him in execution of crimes under article 178.3.2(fraud in a particularly large amount) of the Criminal Code of the Azerbaijan Republic and forwarded it to the court.
On March 16, 2016, colonel I. Lemberanski was appointed to higher position. Under the corresponding order of the General Prosecutor Zakir Qaralov Ibrahim Lemberanski was dismissed from his position as investigator of the Department for Investigation of Grave Crimes of the Prosecutor General’s Office of the Republic of Azerbaijan and appointed as the Prosecutor of Baku City Pirallahli District.