21 February

Haji Shahin Hasanly
According to the Turan Agency, Haji Shahin Hasanly, a well-known Shiite theologian and akhund of the “Meshadi Dadash” mosque, has been appointed as a host of the “Awareness of Truth” program on the state TV channel “Madaniyat” (Culture). He replaced the previous host an Academician Vasim Mammadaliyev, the head of the Department of Oriental Studies at Baku State University. The program is aired on Thursdays for 15 minutes. Haji Shahin Hasanly is one of the influential and popular theologians of Azerbaijan, there are thousands of people gathering to listen to his sermons. Then recordings of these sermons are distributed on social networks and handed over by believers to each other. He is also the plenipotentiary representative of the Head of the Caucasus Muslims Department in Baku city.