01 May
Haji Fuad Nurullayev, the deputy chairman of the Board of Muslim of Caucasus (BMC) informed the agency that a decision has been made to establish madrasa or religious colleges under the BMC. The BMC representative remarked that spiritual education institutions will have a two- or four-year educational program, “These colleges will operate at mosques subordinated to the BMC. Several madras’s and courses have been already functioning, however, about ten spiritual colleges are planned to be opened in the country, including the Heydar Islamic College, the Zaqatala Islamic College, the Ganja Islamic College, the Lankaran Islamic College, the Guba Islamic College, the Nardaran Islamic College, the Bibi Heybat Islamic College, and the Nakhchivan Islamic College”.
24 May
On Friday 24 May, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev signed an order on providing financial assistance to the religious structures. According to the order, it will be allocated two million manat (almost 1.180,000 USD) from the Reserve 2019 Fund of the President of Azerbaijan to the Caucasian Muslims Department and 350,000 manat (more than 206,000 USD) to the Baku religious structures and Azerbaijan Diocese of Russian Orthodox Church. It is planned to allocate 350,000 manat (over 206,000 USD) to the religious community of the Mountain Jews of Baku, 150,000 manat (over 88,000 USD) to the religious community of Ashkenazi Jews of Baku, 150,000 manat (over 88,000 USD) to the Apostolic Prefecture of the Catholic Church in Azerbaijan, and 150,000 manat (over 88,000 USD) to the Albano-Udin Christian Community of Azerbaijan.
Also, in order to provide the financial support to other non-Islamic religious communities, it will be allocated 100,000 manat (more than 59,000 USD) to the Spiritual Values Promotion Fund under the State Committee for Work with Religious Organizations.
The Ministry of Finance was instructed to provide funding in the amount specified in this order.